Robert Irwin's comments on U.S. deportees in Tijuana, other Mexican cities featured in The San Diego Union-Tribune
Tijuana receives thousands of U.S. deportees each year, and for many, the adjustment to life back in Mexico is challenging. This month, their stories will be highlighted in a series of presentations organized by the University of California Davis together with the Colegio de la Frontera Norte.
The events, all open to the public, run from Saturday through Feb. 27. These include a multi-media exhibition with more than 80 testimonial video narratives. One of the chief aims is to present first-hand stories of detention and deportation. The project is focused on having deportees tell their own stories through these videos that are publicly posted. It is called “Humanizando la Deportación.”
Irwin says that “What a lot of people were saying in the United States was not based on real information,” Additionally he says "I wanted to show the breadth and complexity of what was happening in some way.”